Preheat oven to 500°F (a very hot oven produces a juicy interior). Place 10 to 12-inch ovenproof skillet or cast-iron skillet in oven. When oven reaches 500°F temperature, remove pan from oven and place on range over high heat (the pan and the handle will be extremely hot - be careful).
Immediately place steaks in the middle of hot, dry pan (if cooking more than one piece of meat, add the pieces carefully so that they are not touching each other). Cook 1 to 2 minutes without moving; turn with tongs and cook another 1 to 2 minutes.
Remove from heat and put the cast iron skillet with the steaks in it into the oven. Cook an additional 3 to 5 minutes, depending on thickness of steaks and degree of doneness you like. Use a meat thermometer to test for doneness.
When the steaks are crusty-charred and done to your liking, remove from the pan, cover loosely with aluminum foil and let rest 5-10 minutes before serving. During this time the meat continues to cook (meat temperature will rise 5 to 10 degrees after it is removed from the oven) and the juices redistribute (add juices that accumulate from resting steaks to wine sauce). Serve whole or slice thin and fan onto individual serving plates.